Welcome to our blog. [1]

We are creating this place for us to share our story. We want to be able to point family and friends back to this place so we can share our journey with them.  We haven't told anyone up until this point because we (mainly me) wanted to have the big surprise announcement. 

 ***Spoiler Alert*** I'm not pregnant.  

 I was already losing the chance to surprise James. I have dreamed for 12 long years how I would tell James that I was pregnant.  I've made plans multiple times. So I didn't want to lose out on surprising our family and friends too.  But James has finally convinced me to open up about our journey.  If we have disagreed on anything throughout this entire process, it has been whether or not to tell loved ones.  

My not wanting to share this journey prior to now has not been to hurt anyone.  Please forgive me for hurting your feelings for not opening up to you sooner.  It has been very hard for me at times to stay quiet but I kept thinking about the "Big Announcement" and it would help keep my secret a little longer.  

Also, this.  

To my closest family and friends, please know that I love you.  

Here is our journey over the past year...

1 comment:

  1. To Missy and James
    Thank you for your courage to share It's Time.. May your words inspire and help others walking the same lane. May your story begin book 2 in a blanket full of joy in your arms.Even though I have mourned, I understand not a whit of what you are going through. I cannot imagine the grief and the pain and anguish you both have experienced over and over. Praying for you and baby Smith.
    Much love to you both.


    PS I first tried to comment using the Blogger icon and accidentally posted to my own blog. OOPS.

    Now to figure out how to remove it.
