The Retrieval [11]

Leading up to the retrieval, I was told about the trigger shot. Actually, I don't really know if it really was a "trigger" shot or not but it was a shot that I gave myself only once. Now that I really think back, I think I had 3 different injections- not 2. This particular shot was very important and it had to be taken at an exact time that my doctor would tell me about the day of the injection. Why? Because 36 hours after I gave myself the shot, I would go in for the retrieval. The pressure was on in a really big way. I had several alarms set to remind me because I did not want to screw it up. It ended up just fine.

For the egg retrieval (ER), I had to go under anesthesia- the twilight kind. (My first time ever.) Because of that I couldn't have anything to eat or drink from midnight on. But I had to take the first dose of an antibiotic prior to my ER. I knew it was bad news the moment I saw the antibiotic a couple weeks prior. It was Doxycycline. Doxy and I don't get along very well. Doxy makes me very nauseas and eventually makes me throw up. Since I wasn't able to eat anything, I was taking the first dose on a completely empty stomach. James was going to be driving me since I wouldn't be able to drive after the appointment and he was hungry for some breakfast. He asked if he should run out to eat something before we left and I said yes. I did not want to smell yummy food when I couldn't eat any! While he ran out, I took my medicine and finished getting myself ready-- not that I had a lot to do because I couldn't wear makeup, perfume, hair product, etc.

James got back from breakfast and we jumped in the car to head up to Richmond. We live pretty close to the interstate- maybe 7 minutes. I was telling James a story when I just stopped talking midsentence and started concentrating on not throwing up. We weren't even to the interstate yet. We get onto the on ramp and I started to think that there was no way I could make it to Richmond. But then I started pumping myself up thinking about how this was for our baby! I could do this! James was coming down the ramp to enter onto the interstate when I told him to pull over. 

I was hanging my head out the door and throwing up before he had even come to a complete stop. Ugh. So gross. But James was so sweet and rubbed my back for me. Once I felt like my stomach was settled enough, we carried on. About 20 minutes later, we had to pull over again. And the worst part? I couldn't drink anything.

We ended up running into traffic right outside of Richmond. We had been giving ourselves about 30 minutes of leeway to allow for traffic but we had to call the office to tell them we were running late. Remember the trigger shot I mentioned? The perfectly timed trigger shot? I started stressing out about us not getting to the office in time and having to go through everything all over again. But we made it to the office only about 5 minutes late.

They got us right back and had me change clothes. They started an IV which was the weirdest feeling ever.  You could physically feel the temperature difference of the saline in my arm.  Bizarre.  This was my first surgical experience so everything was new.  

They had me to go to the restroom and then took me straight to the OR. I got all stressed out because I didn't realize they were taking me straight to the OR so I didn't get to say anything to James before surgery. It was all happening so fast and I started feeling panicky.

They had me lay down on this table and they took the bottom half of it away while they strapped my legs into these huge padded stirrups and made other adjustments in preparation.  It was all so surreal. 

I am a very modest woman. I haven't even worn shorts in probably a decade. So to have all these bright lights shining on my lady bits caused a great deal of anxiety. 

The anesthesiologist came in and started giving me some good stuff in my IV and my doctor told me to think about chickens. At least, I think he did. Maybe because of eggs?

Next thing I know, I am talking to a lady about ginger ale. James has some funny recordings of me coming out of anesthesia. Maybe if you're lucky, those will get uploaded sometime.

Then we waited to hear about our eggs...

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