These are some notes and screenshots that I have saved along the way.
2/24/15 Text to James while sitting in the waiting room for the first
If this works out in our favor, we might have to drive to Richmond to have
our baby. They have bathtubs to labor in. #Winning
Got pulled over on my way
to first appointment because of my window tint. front windows should be 50% but
are 34% and back should be 35% but are 15%. Got a warning, not a ticket!
4/29/15 James went for his semen analysis. Doc said earlier we can
contact for results is
5/7/15. James wants to know ALL THE THINGS and asked me
if we could just start with the higher FSH. James & I had a FANTATSIC
conversation about all of this are both feeling super hopeful that this is our
time. In the conversation, I told him that one of the things I have been
super stressed about all these years is who would be in the delivery room with
us. We talked about it and made a decision. James, mom, Mary, & Jessi. And
Susie can rotate in if she decides. HUGE relief for me. I almost cried. 😅
5/5/15 Cost of IUI $249.75
5/6/15- Played telephone tag with Courtney
at Dr L's office. Analysis came back and we're good to attempt an IUI next
cycle date. James says his days are numbered with the Camaro. 😅
Text from
James: This sofa king sweet
5/8/15 Card from Breanna saying she
couldn't wait to see the blessings God was bringing us.
5/11/15 James off from
work. Called him to say hi and he said he's been watching videos. When asked
what kind of videos he was watching he responded "I'm pretty sure I could
do this IUI stuff myself. I just need the right tools. If the doctor doesn't
seem to be doing it right, I'm going to say something." 😂
Day 3.
Woke up from a dream where I had come to Dr L's office and there were all these
people around and I couldn't get any privacy to talk to him. He didn't do anything
and I didn't have a chance to ask any questions. James showed up, we see Dr L
again, he talks gibberish, I leave crying and confused with James laughing at
me because he understood all the gibberish. Feeling very anxious.
Ovaries &
Dr. L's office left me a voicemail. My blood work came back
looking great. My estradiol level was 24 and FSH was 4.2. Both numbers are
within normal levels. :)
Three IUI's and no pregnancy. Time to move on
to IVF.
In the midst of my heartbreak of having to proceed into heavier
fertility treatments, James has the ability to make me laugh like no
"We'll just have us a test tube baby. You remember-- everyone made
fun of them in the 90's. But when you're an adult, you look at one and think,
"You're a f*^$%#* miracle."
11/2/15- It pays to keep good notes! Anesthesia company sent me an
invoice for $576 but I didn't see the prepayment of $500 applied on the bill.
Sent a couple emails and made a couple calls, got that bill knocked
down to $76! Woo!